Monday, October 04, 2010

Singer/Songwriter david m. bailey died. Music Keeps Us Walking

david m bailey, a singer/songwriter who moved audiences as much with his story of personal courage in the face of terminal cancer as with his music, succumbed to Glioblastoma on Oct. 2 in hospice care near his home in Charlottesville, Va. He was 44. See a thoughtful press release at:

I am very sad to learn of David's death. I personally came to know David and his music about six years ago. Our presbytery's transformation event design team invited him to be our musical keynoter. Shuttling him from the hotel to the venues, never-ending stops at Starbucks, and watching him capture the hearts of the audience were experiences I'll fondly remember for a long time.

David took real life seriously, authentically, and loved his family he joyfully lived with and loved those who enjoyed his music. He emailed me one day and said he added a link to my website on his site and this news made my day. Joking he said, not many pastors make it to his list. I laughed. One of David's signature bandanas (which he proudly offered to remind others to pray for those stricken with cancer) is still a treasured keepsake.

His music will always be in my playlist and his family in my prayers. Keep On Walking... that's what he practiced, now perfected in Christ, as we all in our own way try to do the same. Now, David's learned to fly, and he will be deeply missed.

Kevin Yoho
General Presbyter, Newark Presbytery PC(USA)

1 comment:

Philip L. said...
